60 Classes in 60 Days: #37-45

I’m halfway through my first week of doubles (10 classes each week, so I did 5 classes in 3 days already) and I haven’t fallen out yet.  In fact, I’m doing surprisingly well, considering I’ve done a full 20 classes in 20 days this month.  This is by far the most active I’ve been in a REALLY, REEEEEEEELY long time.  Like in at least 7 or 8 years.  That’s major, people.  I was working out quite a bit in 2004-2005 because that was around the time I was finishing my master’s degree and was getting married thereafter.  But after that, it was all downhill.  And you know how that ended up.

So as I reflect on the month ending and the possibility of a 90 day challenge, I can’t help but be a little bewildered.  When did this change happen?  Am I becoming an actual exercising person?  How did that happen?  

Has being in a 105 degree room for hours on end over the past few months caused my brain to work differently?  Am I dehydrating myself into lunacy????  (don’t worry, I drink over 100 ounces of water every day, in addition to my 22 ounces of coconut water after each class)

But seriously, this is a strange place to be.  I no longer walk into the studio and lay down on my mat, immediately worrying about injuries and things like that.  I lay down on my mat and think about normal people things like this:

  1. It’s flipping hot in here.  Why do I keep coming back?
  2. Maybe I should have peed one more time before I came in here.
  3. I hope the guy who “adjusts” himself all the time isn’t next to me.  I can’t deal with that again in my peripheral vision.
  4. I need to shave my legs.
  5. Maybe I should bring a 32 ounce bottle of water to class like everyone else?  No, you don’t need more than 8 ounces of water during class.  You’ll just yack it up during forward folding postures.
  6. If I fall asleep while waiting for class to start, will I start snoring since I’m on my back?

So as you can see, my mind is totally not on what it was consumed with 6 months, even 3 months ago.  

Perhaps it’s because I’ve finally come to realize, and ACCEPT, that each day on the mat is different.  Even if I pull a double that day, each class is different.  My body is different.  This has become my mantra…

just now

60 Day Challenge Stats:

  • Classes #37-45
  • Classes to go: 15
  • Days left: 11

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